JST automation framework

This automation framework was design by Java+Selenium+TestNG when I did automation test work, so I called it JST-automation.

Directory Structure

| ├── src
| | └── main
| | | └── java
| | | | └── com
| | | | | └── action
| | | | | | └── case01
| | | | | | └── case02
| | | | | | └── common
| | | | | | └── .....
| | | | | └── config
| | | | | | └── UserConfig
| | | | | | └── DriverConfig
| | | | | | └── UrlConfig
| | | | | | └── ......
| | | | | └── page
| | | | | | └── LoginPage
| | | | | | └── HomePage
| | | | | | └── ......
| | | | | └── verify
| | | | | | └── case01
| | | | | | └── case02
| | | | | | └── ......
| └── testng.xml
| └── pom.xml
  1. action: all test function write in this folder
  2. config: all config file put in this folder
  3. page: all page element write in this folder
  4. verify: all verify test case write in this folder
  5. testng.xml: test suit file, config all verify test case in this file
  6. pom.xml: configuration need package files

Download Code

git clone https://github.com/shenxianpeng/JST-automation.git

Any suggestion and questions please feel free to create issue here

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Quick Start(4 Steps)

hexo new "My New Post"    #Create a new post
hexo server #Run server
hexo generate #Generate static files
hexo deploy #Deploy to remote sites


hexo new "My New Post"    #Create a new post
hexo server #Run server
hexo generate -deplogy #Generate then deploy
hexo g -d #Simple write this